What Does a Security Guard Do?

Security guards are common in malls, schools, and other public spaces. But many people aren’t sure what these uniformed watchdogs can and cannot do.

Strictly adhering to protocol, security guards remain vigilant and attentive, recognizing suspicious activity or behavior. They also perform regular patrols and monitor building systems. Contact DMAC Security now!

A security risk assessment is a comprehensive review of your organization’s data and systems to determine the level of potential risks. It requires a thorough and iterative process to ensure that all areas of risk are identified and addressed. The first step is to create an inventory of your company’s data and physical assets. This includes everything from servers and data centers to business processes and employee information. Then, identify the vulnerabilities of those assets and what controls you have in place to protect them.

The next step is to evaluate the impact of the exploitation of those vulnerabilities. This is where you consider things like revenue, costs, operational disruptions and reputational damage. This is also where you determine the level of risk tolerance and set priorities for remediation. Finally, you develop a plan to address the identified risks.

Security assessments should be conducted regularly to identify potential risks and mitigate them before they become a major issue. The assessment should be a key part of the overall business continuity and disaster recovery plan. It should also be done when changes occur in the law, technology or your business operations and when you acquire or merge with other companies.

To be successful, your security assessment program must involve the entire organization, from managers to employees at all levels. Getting everyone involved in the process helps them understand their role in securing the company and reduces the likelihood of human error. This can help you avoid costly data breaches and other issues.

Your security assessment program should include a standard report format and be conducted on a regular basis to provide your company with an audit trail and a consistent approach to prioritizing security concerns. Regularly evaluating security risks also provides valuable feedback for improving policies and practices and allows you to adapt quickly to new threats.

A security risk assessment is the first step in ensuring that your organization’s information is protected from cyber-attacks and other threats. By conducting regular assessments, you can mitigate the potential consequences of a breach and maintain compliance with industry standards like GDPR, HIPAA and PCI DSS.


A security guard’s job is to safeguard a client’s property from burglary, criminal mischief, fire breakouts, flooding, jammed doors and other means of loss or harm. They also ensure that employees and patrons are safe in the event of an emergency situation. Patrolling is an essential element of a security strategy and can be conducted by foot or vehicle and can be done by a single guard or by a team covering a specific region.

Whether the patrolling is conducted on-site, on-duty or offsite, using technology like GPS tracking and mobile reporting apps can help improve efficiency. This also allows guards to focus on their duties and monitor multiple regions at once, rather than being tied down to a fixed position.

Routine patrols are a powerful preventative measure that act as a constant reminder that the property is under surveillance. This deters criminals who rely on a lack of security presence to carry out their illegal activities. Moreover, it gives clients peace of mind that their premises are being regularly checked and protected.

To be effective in their patrolling, security guards must have a keen eye and remain alert for anything out of the ordinary. They should be able to detect suspicious activity, such as broken windows or loitering individuals, and they should have a strong understanding of conflict resolution techniques and de-escalation tactics. They should also be familiar with the “normal” of the property they are protecting, including traffic patterns, typical activity levels and usual occupants. This helps them to recognize unusual deviations from the norm that may be an early warning sign of trouble.

Patrolling can be supplemented by security guards who are ready to respond to an emergency situation. These specialized patrols provide an initial assessment of the situation, secure the scene, and communicate with authorities to minimize damage and risk of injury to people or property.

Security guards who conduct patrols on-site can immediately address medical emergencies, security breaches and other concerns, reducing the chances of a small issue escalating into a large disaster. Moreover, they can also assist in addressing crowd control issues at events such as famous holiday parades, concerts or public gatherings.

Enforcing Rules

Security guards act as the on-site legal representatives of their employer’s property. As such, they are granted very specific and limited powers. This means that they can use force to deter criminal behavior, but also have very limited jurisdiction outside the property that they are employed to protect.

For example, security guards can ask for identification to verify credentials or block access from unapproved individuals. They can also warn individuals of property rules and escort them off the premises if necessary. However, if they are asked to touch a person or their personal belongings without permission, this is considered harassment. And they cannot conduct traffic stops or arrest people on public roads, as these are the responsibilities of law enforcement officers.

If a security guard observes that someone has committed a crime on their employer’s property, they can call law enforcement to investigate and make an arrest if needed. This is known as making a citizen’s arrest, and it is a very limited power for security personnel. They can also detain a person in a secure area if the person is a suspect in a crime, but this is not an excuse to hold them indefinitely. The detained individual must be informed of the reason for their detention and given a way to contact their employer.

It is important for all security personnel to understand their limited powers. If they go beyond their authority and make a mistake, they can be sued for false arrest and other damages that could have far-reaching effects.

This is why it is so important to train all security guards in de-escalation techniques and implement a written policy that clearly states the limits of their ability to interact with individuals. The policy should reference de-escalation training protocols and emphasize the importance of documenting all interactions regardless of severity.

It is also a good idea to train security personnel in basic crisis intervention techniques so that they can defuse tense situations before they escalate. Having the skills to identify precursors to violence can greatly reduce the need for physical intervention and can even save lives.

Responding to Emergency Situations

Security guards use their skills to help resolve situations involving conflict, disturbances, and other issues that may arise. When they notice an issue, they patrol the area, assess the situation, and follow established protocols to contact law enforcement or emergency services as needed. Security guards are trained in the use of de-escalation techniques to handle these situations effectively, diffusing tensions and resolving conflicts as they occur.

They also play a key role in preventing damage to the property or facilities they’re protecting. By conducting regular patrols and monitoring surveillance systems, they can detect potential threats before they escalate. They can then take action to deter criminal activities and protect the property and assets of their clients’ businesses.

In addition, they serve as a liaison between the community and law enforcement, fostering trust and cooperation between everyone involved in keeping the area safe. They provide vital information to police regarding crimes, suspicious activity, and other concerns that can help them investigate the case and bring the perpetrators to justice.

Armed security officers can act as law enforcement until police arrive on the scene, which can be crucial in high-risk situations. For example, they might open fire doors in the event of a fire or help people exit the building in the event of a health crisis or natural disaster. They are also qualified to administer first aid, such as operating an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) or performing CPR.

Security guards often perform customer service duties as well, such as answering questions and providing directions. This requires them to have excellent memory and the ability to multitask while remaining aware of their surroundings. They are also required to document and report incidents, which requires them to be thorough in their observations.

In many cases, a security guard’s work is more visible than that of a police officer. By their presence at a location, they convey to employees, customers, and visitors that the business cares about their safety and wants them to feel comfortable and welcome there. This positive feeling can improve overall employee morale and productivity.